Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The role of sexuality in Victorian society applied to A. S. Byatts Essay

The role of sexuality in Victorian society applied to A. S. Byatts Possession - Essay Example Byatt’s novel Possession. Although the novel tells a fictional tale of two literary scholars tracking down evidence of a love affair between two Victorian era poets, episodes dedicated to the poets themselves reveal a great deal of information regarding the way of life of women during this period in history. Unlike much of the non-fiction articles that have been written about life in Victorian England and elsewhere, Byatt’s novel provides a glimpse of several different women during this period that held quite opposing views regarding their individual sexualities. By tracing through the novel Possession and comparing it with non-fictional accounts of this period and critical evaluation, one can begin to gain a sense of how women had been severely restricted in their options in Victorian society as well as how they rebelled or worked within it to achieve their own sense of sexuality. There are three principle female characters involved in the Victorian portion of the novel, each with her own strengths and weaknesses demonstrating how she has both conformed to and resisted the definitions placed upon her by the strict nature of Victorian England. Christabel LaMotte is a scholar and minor poetess who is the object of Randolph Henry Ash’s fascinated attention. Blanche Glover is the companion of Christabel, sharing her home and dream of independence but not able to retrieve the same sense of fulfillment as she does not receive recognition for her actions. A fourth woman, Sabine Kercoz, Christabel’s younger cousin, adds her own perspective regarding female sexuality during the Victorian age from the unique oblique of the French countryside.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Income Gender Gap Sociology Essay

The Income Gender Gap Sociology Essay Income gender gap can be reviewed at both the individual and institutional level. It refers to the prejudicial beliefs and discriminatory of individuals, and the policies that restrict the opportunities of minorities respectively. SECTION II THE ISSUES AND WHO ARE INVOVLED Income gender gap is also known as the disparity of income between sexes. It has been a debatable issue ever since globalization takes place. In the context of economic inequality, gender gap generally refers to the differences in the wages of men and women. This can be calculated as a ratio of female to male wages (often expressed as a percentage). The female population has been showcasing their talents and it is depending on how the world accounts and utilizes such talent pool to determine the competitiveness of the economies. Gender disparity in income is an issue that has been surfacing worldwide and economies would have been affected as a result. Thus, it was chosen as I openly felt that corrective measures might not have been designed to address the issue on a global scale. Besides, reports have also shown that the gender pay gap has not been fully resolved as many countries workplaces are still faced with the problem of gender discrimination. In this income gender gap report, I aim to highlight the importance of promoting gender equality. This is in hope that creation of greater awareness among a global audience is present, with implementation of good practices and effective measures drawn that can help further reduce gender inequality. An example of common stereotypes stating males being more dominant and females seen as the weaker sex are present. This happens when both sexes working in the same field are being remunerated differently the male with a higher wage as compared to the female. Singapore is not spared in this aspect. Statistics have shown that there is a closing of gender income gap. However, this is only relevant in the occupations of professionals, services/sales and cleaners/labourers. Statistics have shown that employers tend to empower males with prospective occupation tracks that lead them to having high flying careers; however this isnt so for the females. There is more likelihood that employers entrust women with occupation positions that are deemed to be dead-end, or have very little mobility for advancement. This is due to the perception that women will leave their jobs or labour force at times of marriage or pregnancy. SECTION III WHY IS IT IMPORTANT FOR US TO TALK ABOUT IT? The principle of equality of opportunity is one of the basic tenets of human development. However, the differences in wage between genders speak about how discrimination brings about inequality and places one at an advantage or vice versa. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), progress in reducing the gender pay gap is very slow in Europe and Central Asia. The gender income gap may have narrowed in some countries, but on an international level, it is still not evident as proven by ILO. Improvising of stricter policies and measures should be done in the light of significance in every country and the most effective means of doing so is through governments intervention. The talents of women which involved the capacity for and skills are not equally rewarded. Also, division of work has always been gendered, which left women often experiencing a disparity in the labour market limited positions and rights in companies. Constrain on the economic growth is one of the impacts contributed by gender inequalities in society. In the long run, society will experience greater negative consequences economically, resulting from this discrimination gender inequalities at work. This is because income inequality diminishes growth potential. With gender inequalities reduced, it benefits men and women, children and the elderly, for the poor and as well as the rich. This in turn would lead to the better advancement in economic growth. However, research begged to differ that such reduction in income disparity between genders would be positive. It is argued that higher inequality would be an advantage in encouraging growth in well developed regions although it will hinder growth in poor countries (Robert Barro, 1999). Although the economy at large is still affected, inequality and growth were believed to have no correlation-concluding that inequality neither drives nor impairs growth (World Development Report, 2000). This is also supported by a recent study on income inequality; a society in which income was distributed perfectly equally with respect to gender would not be a desirable place either (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2008). On a fair note during entry level for both sexes, earnings of womens pay have been analyzed in some countries and the increase in earnings is substantial, in addition, even higher than those of men because of their qualifications. This explains that income is based solely on merit of individuals. Still, I believe that this is not practiced internationally, with Singapore a globalized developed country, ranking 84 out of 134 countries, with a score of 0.666 (0.00=inequality/1.00=equality). And for wage equality for similar work, shes ranked 9th (World Economic Forum, 2009). Yet Singapore is still facing these problems at present. For this reason, the gender gap plays a significant magnitude in determining wage. In the perspective of Singapore, females still earn less than males in all occupations. Disparity is even wider when comparing of mean incomes, which implies that males still receive higher wages than their female counterparts as a whole. This is backed by structural constraints in Singapores economy preventing women from attaining similar income. Comparison of the monthly gross salary in the managerial roles shows signs of glass ceiling. The mean gross wage is $7272 for a female, compared to $9065 for a male, and the median gross wage is $5673 for a female, compared to $6450 for a male (Singapore Yearbook of ManPower Statistic, 2009). Predetermined conception that women have shorter employment life-spans and experiences on the job due to pregnancy and traditional domestic duties, such as child rearing and housekeeping is the contributing factor bringing about stereotype against women at the workplace. Studies have shown that these factors accounts for a considerable component of the gender wage gap. Due to womens family-related commitments and priorities, the average woman on the labour market has fewer years of experience than the average man, which contributes to the difference in pay between men and women. Furthermore, an equal position whereby both genders are employed takes into the consideration of National Service. Men trained in the National Service were being favoured, which played a part in the salary differentials. A strong argument cited that because National Service provides men with essential skills such as in leadership, organisation, and decision-making, which is said as to be a pre-requisite in the job market. Awarding them a higher starting salary in the public and private sectors is justifiable. Since National Service is unavoidable, it is deemed as a result that women may be left with little power in the public and private sectors in terms of representation. SECTION IV WHERE CAN WE START TO FIX THE PROBLEM? With males given a higher edge above their female counterparts in the context of wage, it is a prejudice as men is seen as the domineering sex. Thus, with no qualms that such an issue creates inequality in society. Men would be given perks at the expense of the degree and opportunity of womens representation; which are considerably affected by social norms and perceptions regarding womens roles in society. I take the stand that both genders should be given equal benefits based on their qualifications, and hence the pay differentials should not surface. At the individual level, adopting different educational-informational means to alter the aforementioned public perception of womens role in various spheres of society is essential. Using these strategies may boost public awareness of gender stereotyping, ensuring there is minimal social prejudice against women, as well as strengthening a positive insight. With the aim of overcoming uncertain societal nature of womens representation in the labour force, it is necessary to adopt legal constitutional provision on the principle of womens right to be represented. In Singapore, the Government and social partners commitments are affirmed by the addition of an appropriate clause in collective agreements to certify that employers conform to the principle of paying their employees the remuneration based on merit. To conclude, with the implementation of various means would improve the status of female representation and gender equality.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Genesis Flood of the Christian Bible and the Flood of Gilgamesh :: Epic of Gilgamesh

The Flood of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh has been of interest to Christians ever since its discovery in the mid-nineteenth century in the ruins of the great library at Nineveh, with its account of a universal flood with significant parallels to the Flood of Noah's day.1, 2 The rest of the Epic, which dates back to possibly third millennium B.C., contains little of value for Christians, since it concerns typical polytheistic myths associated with the pagan peoples of the time. However, some Christians have studied the ideas of creation and the afterlife presented in the Epic. Even secular scholars have recognized the parallels between the Babylonian, Phoenician, and Hebrew accounts, although not all are willing to label the connections as anything more than shared mythology.3 There have been numerous flood stories identified from ancient sources scattered around the world.4 The stories that were discovered on cuneiform tablets, which comprise some of the earliest surviving writing, have obvious similarities. Cuneiform writing was invented by the Sumerians and carried on by the Akkadians. Babylonian and Assyrian are two dialects of the Akkadian, and both contain a flood account. While there are differences between the original Sumerian and later Babylonian and Assyrian flood accounts, many of the similarities are strikingly close to the Genesis flood account.5 The Babylonian account is the most intact, with only seven of 205 lines missing.6 It was also the first discovered, making it the most studied of the early flood accounts. The Epic of Gilgamesh is contained on twelve large tablets, and since the original discovery, it has been found on others, as well as having been translated into other early languages.7 The actual tablets date back to around 650 B.C. and are obviously not originals since fragments of the flood story have been found on tablets dated around 2,000 B.C.8 Linguistic experts believe that the story was composed well before 2,000 B.C. compiled from material that was much older than that date.9 The Sumerian cuneiform writing has been estimated to go as far back as 3,300 B.C.10 The Story The Epic was composed in the form of a poem. The main figure is Gilgamesh, who actually may have been an historical person. The Sumerian King List shows Gilgamesh in the first dynasty of Uruk reigning for 126 years.11 This length of time is not a problem when compared with the age of the pre-flood patriarchs of the Bible.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mrs. Hamilton

Gender and Development Gender-role development is one of the most important areas of human development. The moment a women finds out she is pregnant she is often anxious to find out the sex of her child. The definitions of the terms â€Å"sex† and â€Å"gender† need to be understood. The term â€Å"sex† denotes the actual physical makeup of individuals that define them as male or female. Sex is determined by genetic makeup, internal reproductive organs, the organization of the brain, and external genitalia.The behavior of individuals as males or females, the types of roles they assume, and their personality characteristics, may be just as important as a person's biological framework. In order to differentiate between biological features one may take into consideration behaviors and social roles to establish â€Å"gender. † Sex and gender are often intertwined, and certain social expectations can be attributed to one’s biological sex. The sex of a ne wborn sets the agenda for a whole array of developmental experiences that will influence the person throughout his or her life.Overall, the sex differences between boys and girls in the first year of life are minimal. Boys may be a bit more active or fussier and girls more physically mature and less prone to physical problems, but that may be the extent of the significant differences. Mothers have a tendency to ignore more of their son's emotional outbursts in comparison to their daughters' outbursts. Boys may be rough-housed or played with in a more aggressive manor as well. This goes in line with stereotyping males as more hardy or tough and girls as gentle and soft. A parent can influence their child into these gender roles by the way they discipline.They may be harder on a boy than a girl for the exact same behavior. â€Å"Children see what their parents do. Children learn when they try to imitate their parents (Putnam, Myers-Walis; Love, p. 1). † For example, a boy may g row up seeing his father fix things around the house and his mother being the one who always cooks dinner. Parents may also assign specific chores to the children according to sex, thus reinforcing gender roles in their development. Another way a parent influences gender development is by what they say to their children. Making comments about girls do this or boys do that supports the gender stereotypes.Gender roles development is crucial around ages 2-6 years when children are becoming aware of their gender, where play styles and behaviors begin to crystallize around that core identify of â€Å"I am a girl† or â€Å"I am a boy. † Typically males have been thought to be more aggressive than males; however, in a study reported by the American Psychological Association, Inc. , reveals â€Å"our interpretation of these results emphasizes that aggression sex difference are a function of perceived consequences of aggression that are learned as aspects of gender roles and o ther social roles (Eagly; Steffen, 1986). How a parent teaches the child and role models aggression, play, chores, and toys may have more of a factor of gender roles than being biologically male or female. The areas of gender differences include brain development where there are fewer connections between hemispheres, right brain reliance on space/movement, single focus, sexual response, and emotional response. Males hear less at higher decibels then females and tend to hear better in one ear than the other.Testosterone levels are different as well including a correlation between the amount of testosterone and higher energy and aggression, sex drive, and higher amounts throughout the teenaged years. â€Å"Male babies, on average, are born slightly longer and heavier than female babies. Newborn girls, on the other hand, have slightly more mature skeletons and are a bit more responsive to touch (Craig; Dunn, 2010, p. 188). † By age 2 ? , most children can readily distinguish bet ween male and female, and accurately answer the question of whether they are a boy or a girl. Gender-role stereotypes are fixed ideas about appropriate male and female behavior (Craig; Dunn, 2010, p. 189). † Distinguishing between feminine and masculine appears to be shared in almost every culture, although cultures may differ in their definitions of what masculinity and femininity entail. Children's concepts of gender depend in part on the child's cognitive development. A 3-year-old boy might put on a dress and now believe he has turned into a girl, whereas a 5-year-old boy now may understand that his sex is not going to change, which is referred to as gender constancy (Craig; Dunn, 2010, p. 89). Developing gender identity is partly a result of models and rewards. Again, what a child sees and hears growing up about male and female appropriateness will shape their gender personality and roles for the future. In William Pollack's book Real Boys, he talks about boys in America b eing in crisis and teen-aged girls losing their voice, mostly as a result of society's stereotypes about girls and boys. Pollack talks about boys and men wearing masks of masculinity to hide their true inner feelings.Boys are being taught, at a young age, to be tough, act like a man, and if you display feelings you are considered weak or other assorted names given to men who show vulnerability. These stereotypes are limiting and are hindering the development of children. As a society, we push boys into grown-up roles faster than their female counterparts. Moms and dads on the whole begin pushing their boys away by less hugs and kisses at an earlier age than girls (Pollack, 1999). In a study done on drawings of grade-school aged children, there were vast differences in the subject matter the participants drew.Boys' drawings contained a profusion of violence, of villainy, and of vehicles; girls' drawings were full of benign animals, bugs and flowers. In the drawings, boys seem more in fluenced at this age by the media in drawings of superheroes, whereas the girls depicted more domestic-type scenes (McClure-Vollrath, 2006). During the feminist movement, there was a theme that men were â€Å"the problem† and women were â€Å"the oppressed. † By characterizing gender this way, development can fail to address effectively the issues of equity and empowerment that are crucial in bringing about positive change.Gender bias's and roles are ultimately power relations (Cornwall, 1997, p. 8). Through the feminist movement, many people changed their ways of thinking surrounding men and women, but there is still room for re-thinking when it comes to boys. Boys get mixed messages, â€Å"to be manly but empathetic, cool but open, strong yet vulnerable. † Society has come a long way in liberating girls and women from the gender straightjacket. There is still room for improvement to break down the roles our boys are forced into by letting them own their feelin gs and communicating with them in a way that allows them to express their fears and distress.Gender identity normally develops in children by about age 3, when they most often are able to identify themselves as boys or girls. People with gender identity disorder or â€Å"gender dysphoria† can remember as early as age 5 as having feelings of being born in the wrong body or wanting to be the opposite of their biological bodies reveal. â€Å"Children who deviate from the socially prescribed behavioral norms for boy or girl children are quickly pushed back in line by parental figures. Behaviors, mannerisms, and play that appears to be gender nonconforming to a parent may feel perfectly normal to the child (Mallon; DeCrescenzo, 2006). Western society continues to reward parents for conforming their children into their gender roles by buying Barbie's for girls and dump trucks for boys, even if they have asked for something different. Sexual orientation is different from, and not d etermined by, one's gender identity. In most cases, the onset of gender identity disorder can be traced back to childhood. In an interview with a 46-year-old male who struggled with gender dysphoria all of his life, he reports as early as 5-years-old he was dressing up in women's clothing and wished he did not have a penis.After years of therapy and insight into his disorder, he has been able to attribute his confusion to some things that were said in his home at an early age. He remembers his mother saying that she was convinced when he was in her womb that he was a girl, and she would often tell him that he should have been a girl. He remembers people telling him how â€Å"pretty† he was and that he would have made a beautiful girl. All of these things contributed to his confusion about his gender at a very young age. He never felt â€Å"attached† to his mother, and later he would find out that his mother would just let him lie in his crib and cry as an infant.He rep orted that his mother had his 1-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister to look after, and she was too busy to take care of a fussy baby. He said he spent most of his life trying to establish masculinity as society and family would see it, so that nobody would know the terror and confusion he lived with on a daily basis. Eventually, he would decide that his only way out would be suicide, he thought then the pain would finally end. God did not allow him to take his life and instead he found his value in Christ and was set free from his pain and found acceptance of who he was in Christ.He started going to therapy and completely turning his life around, living as a man, and finally finding gender acceptance rather than dysphoria (Robbins, 2011). Roles of home environment, peers, and teachers in the acquisition of gender difference in behavior and attitudes play a role in gender socialization (Lau, 1996). Gender role socialization according to a study done cross-culturally found that it could be narrowly defined by the type of sex-typed behaviors such as play activities and toys.In summary, gender identity is a learned behavior that starts at a very young age and can hinder or enhance a child's development. Gender plays a role in how a person defines themselves and grows as a person depending on their safety and security in being male or female and what that means to them and what they are taught at a young age. Bottom line is that men and women are different, and as a society and as parents being a boy or girl does not meet we have to fit into a certain box, as people are unique in of themselves, and that is what we can enhance and nurture to develop.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Life Ambitions Essay

Owen Stuart Phillips-Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose Scouting has taught me many things about myself. It is a big part of who I am now and it will stay with me forever. Through Scouting, I have learned the importance of preparation, personal responsibility, service to others, and leadership skills. I first started out with Cub Scouts where I earned every rank and received my Arrow of Light. After Cub Scouts, I crossed over to Boy Scouts and joined Troop 40. I have been extremely involved with my Troop and I have done almost everything they have had to offer. I am proud of the fact that I will be the 6th member of my extended family (cousins) to earn the rank of Eagle Scout from Troop 40, all under the guidance of the same Scoutmaster, Mr. Clifton Glover. I plan on staying involved Scouts to improve on my leadership skills and earn additional merit badges. I would also like to earn the three Eagle Palms. In school I am an honor roll student. I am in the band and I have received awards at band competitions in Greenville at ECU and Music Performance Adjudication held in Jacksonville. When I was in the 5th grade I completed the DARE program which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. We were required to write a 2 page essay to complete the course. The winning essay would be read aloud by the student at the graduation ceremony. My essay won the competition, I received a trophy and I was very proud. I play sports such as football, baseball, and wrestling. I have been team captain in football. I was also asked to participate in a youth football instructional video for Championship Productions. The video was filmed at Wingate University with other youth players and college coaches, demonstrating football drills and fundamentals. The video will be sold to youth players and coaches nationwide. After I graduate High School, I have strong interests in applying to our Military Service Academies. I would like to be an officer in the Military because I feel like I can be a leader instead of a follower. I started getting strong interests in the Military Academies when we went on a camp out to the United States Military Academy at West Point. It was a great experience and I absolutely loved every bit of it. If it was not for Scouting, I would have not had that opportunity. I enjoy math and engineering, and would like to pursue a career in this area in the military, such as a combat engineer.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of a Coordinate Clause

Definition and Examples of a Coordinate Clause In English grammar, a coordinate clause is a  clause (i.e., a word group containing a subject and predicate) that is introduced by one of the coordinating conjunctionsmost commonly and or but. A compound sentence is made up of one or more coordinate clauses joined to the main clause. The rhetorical term for a coordinate construction is parataxis. Examples It was apple-blossom time, and the days were getting warmer. (E.B. White,  Charlottes Web. Harper, 1952)I wasnt a fan of most vegetables, but I didnt mind peas. (Gene Simmons,  Kiss, and Make-Up. Crown, 2001)They ate the dessert, and neither one mentioned the fact that it was slightly burned. (Ernest Hemingway, Christmas in Paris.  The Toronto Star Weekly, December 1923) Combining Clauses The basic unit in syntax is the clause. Many utterances consist of a single clause, but there are also rules for combining clauses into larger units. The simplest way is by using a  coordinating conjunction, and, but, so and or. These may seem rather insignificant items but they represent a vast step forward from anything we can imagine in even the most sophisticated form of animal communication, and they are probably more complex than many people realize. (Ronald Macaulay,  The Social Art: Language and Its Uses, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2006) Disconnected Coordinate Clauses in Conversation In English conversation speakers often begin their utterances with and (also with so or but) without linking these connectives to immediately preceding linguistic material, but rather to more distant topics or even to their own as yet unarticulated (and unrecoverable) perspectives. In (29) the topic of the episode in which this utterance occurs concerns one of the participants consistently getting sick when he travels in Mexico. In this example, the speakers and is making reference to the whole discourse, not to a specific preceding utterance. (29) and you both eat the same things? (D12-4)   (Joanne Scheibman,  Point of View and Grammar: Structural Patterns of Subjectivity in American English Conversation. John Benjamins, 2002)

Monday, October 21, 2019

An Easier Way To Tell Your Story Using Content Marketing

An Easier Way To Tell Your Story Using Content Marketing The term story is used all the time with content marketing. â€Å"Find your story,† they say. â€Å"Tell your unique story.† Well, sometimes your story can be so big, it can be hard to know where to start. Do you have a ton of ideas for blog posts but struggle to find the topics your audience would care about the most? Is it hard to understand the connection from one blog post to another? Creating content that connects one blog post with the next can seem like a complex process. But it doesnt have to be. An Easier Way To Tell Your Story Using Content Marketing #ContentMarketing #Storytelling How Story Flows Can Help You Create Connected and Relevant Content Defining your story about a specific topic- and breaking down that huge concept with story flows- will help you create better content. Story flows are just a small group of ideas you can use to create content. They are parts- or chapters- of your story that can help you manage your process much easier while making sure your content is connected. Story flows can make sure that all of your content marketing is connected. #ContentMarketingIf you have a ton of ideas- or even none at all- the process of defining your story and subsequent flows will help you: Find your topic. Connect that topic with your audience. Discover the unique story you’ll share. Find patterns to connect your blog posts. Manage your blog posts as projects. Reuse your blog posts as larger content formats (like e-books, webinars or whatever your audience wants). Essentially, the process of defining your story and story flows will help you plan your work to help you create blog posts faster and more strategically. Give this a try in the morning, and youll be creating better content by the afternoon. Heres how it works. Step 1: Find Your Topic Whether youre a product or service company, you probably have a million things you could talk about. For this process to work, its essential to narrow your topic to just one thing. That’s not to say that you could create content for multiple topics- just concentrate on one at a time while planning this stuff so your head doesnt explode. Topics are typically high-level niches your company is well-known for- or wants to become well-known for. Were not looking for broad, sweeping industry terms here- this cant cover everything your business does. Instead, focus on something truly unique to your company that makes you stand out from your competition. Thats your topic. Ask yourself: Whats the first topic you want to tackle? Step 2: Connect That Topic With Your Audience Knowing the topic you want to talk about is one thing. In order for your content marketing to be successful, you need to make sure your audience actually cares about that topic. At this point, you need to have an understanding of your customer base- your content marketings audience. For this practice to work, understand that everyone is not a good answer for who your audience is! Everyone is not a good answer to the question who is my audience?   #ContentMarketing #ProTipYou may have heard of reader personas before to help you think of your audience while you write blog posts. That may be exactly what you need to connect your topic with your audience. Ive seen marketers create content that only talks about their products or services (what theyve defined as their topic) without figuring out what their audience really wants from their business. Its a huge waste of effort to create content without understanding your audiences needs. You have things you want to talk about. There are people who want to hear about those things. But they may not want to hear the features of your product or service, but learn about a way to do something different- better, faster or easier- as related to your topic. As an example, provides an editorial calendar as a product and service, but a topic we  concentrate on is helping our  customers enhance their own content marketing. Ask yourself: Who cares about your topic enough to search for information to solve their need? Step 3: Discover the Unique Story You’ll Share Now its time to explore the details of your topic and the things your audience cares about. This is when you define your content core- your content marketing story. In this step, you need to find your topic expert (whether its you or someone else in your company) and gather some information from them. If you think of this like an interview, you need to ask about this stuff: What does your audience already know about your topic? How did they learn about it? Why does your audience care about your topic? How can you help them learn more about that topic? So when you start gathering that information, keep these three things in mind: Ask enough questions to make sure you fully understand the topic. Connect your knowledge with your audiences needs. Use what you learned to define a mission statement to help you stay focused. Put it to work: Find the information to understand your topic, audience and mission statement. Step 4: Find Patterns to Connect Your Blog Posts When you discover your story, you’ll find a ton of ideas you could create blog posts about. Dont let this overwhelm you- this is when your story flows will help you strategically plan your blog posts. Organize all those ideas from awareness level messages to the ones that help your audience make big decisions. One way to think about this is with a traditional marketing funnel. The funnel can help you visualize which ideas your prospects might be interested in- people just discovering your topic- versus people who are nearly ready to use your product or service. You should categorize your discovery ideas at the top of the funnel, whereas the big decision-making ideas are probably at the bottom of the funnel. Organize your ideas in an ideal chronological order. So think of it this way: If someone were to read every single blog post you write, which posts would come first, second, third and so on. Organizing your ideas in chronological order can help you choose ideas from beginning to end for your story flows. This way, when you write your blog posts, you’ll walk your audience through an entire journey from awareness to helping them make a decision. Once you have your ideas in order, look for patterns from the beginning of the list to the end. For example, you might see a pattern on how your audience could do something faster, which would be helpful for them to save time they could use on other projects. There will be ideas from the top of the funnel all the way to the bottom that could come together as a story flow for these ideas. It’s important for your story flows to have ideas from awareness to decision-making. As you laid out in your ideal chronological order, you want to funnel your audience to the end ideas to help them make a decision. You can’t do that if you don’t have a story flow with ideas ranging from the top of the funnel all the way to the bottom. Put it to work: Categorize your ideas in a chronological order (as if your audience were to read every blog post you write from start to finish). Step 5: Manage Your Blog Posts as Projects When you looked through the ideas that make up your story, you were probably able to come up with a number of story flows. This is helpful because you can manage your blog posts as projects- pick a small group of ideas to tackle at a time. For example, if you had 10 ideas that came together in a story flow, that has the potential to be 10 or more blog posts. Now you can manage those posts with your editorial calendar and assign them as projects with specific due dates. At this time, you may want to spread out a single story flow throughout the year- and work on several story flows at the same time. That gives you time to create minimum viable content and measure the success of a given story flow- piece by piece- while consistently creating strategic content. Though this approach involves working on several projects (story flows) at a time, its very manageable by planning your work for the upcoming weeks, month or year (depending on the size of your story flows) using an editorial calendar. In this example, its easy to spot blog posts planned for three story flows because they are highlighted with different colors. Your story flows give you the opportunity to plan your work and help you move faster while strategically connecting all of the content you create. Put it to work: Plan your ideas as blog posts on your editorial calendar. Step 6: Reuse Your Blog Posts in Larger Content Formats When youre done with your blog posts for a specific story flow, you now have so much connected content that you can create larger pieces from those posts. After you create enough blog posts to complete a story flow, you can reuse that content for larger formats like e-books, webinars and videos (among others). Imagine your blog posts coming together as chapters in an e-book. After you have an e-book, couldnt you use that same content for discussion points in a webinar? And after that webinar is over, couldnt you share that recorded webinar as a training video? And maybe you could even write a few more blog posts to share that video of the webinar. Being able to reuse your blog posts for larger forms of content is one of the biggest benefits of strategically planning your story flows. Ask yourself: How can you repurpose the blog posts you wrote for specific story flows into larger content formats your audience wants? What Will You Do Now? I meant it when I said a lot of this can be done in a single day. The beauty of the process is that it can be as extensive or relaxed as you need it to be. How could you plan and execute your content marketing using story flows?

Sunday, October 20, 2019


When to Take a College Course Pass/Fail Most college courses require students to take them for a grade, but not always: In some cases, students can take a few courses as pass/fail during their time in college. Whether or not thats a good choice for you depends on a variety of factors, and there are a few things you need to know before choosing a pass/fail option over the regular grading system. What Is Pass/Fail? Its exactly what it sounds like: When you take a course pass/fail, your instructor simply decides whether your work qualifies you to pass or fail the class, rather than assign you a letter grade. As a result, it isnt factored into your GPA, and it will show up on your transcript differently. Assuming you pass, you will get the full course credits, just as if you had received a letter grade. When to Take a Course Pass/Fail There are a few situations in which you may want to take a college course pass/fail: 1. You dont need the grade.  Whether youre fulfilling graduation requirements or you just want to experiment with other areas of study, youll probably have to take a few courses outside your major. You may want to consider the pass/fail option if a letter grade in one of those courses isnt necessary for earning your degree or getting into  graduate school. 2. You want to take a risk. Pass/fail courses have no bearing on your GPA - what class might you take if you didnt have to worry about it affecting your grades? Pass/fail can be a good opportunity to expand your horizons or take a class that will really challenge you. 3. You want to reduce your stress. Maintaining good grades takes a lot of hard work, and opting for a pass/fail course can relieve some of the pressure. Keep in mind your school will have deadlines by which you have to declare youre taking the course as pass/fail, so it might not be an option for avoiding a bad grade at the last minute. Your school also likely limits how many courses you can take pass/fail, so youll want to carefully plan how to take advantage of the opportunity. Other Things to Consider Make sure youre choosing pass/fail for the right reasons, not just because you want to take it easy. Youll still need to study, do the reading, complete the homework  and pass the exams. If you slack off, the fail will show up on your transcript, not to mention the possibility youll have to make up for the credits you didnt earn. Even if you withdraw  from the class to avoid failing it, that will also show up on your transcript (unless you get out of it during a drop period). Keep in mind you may not be able to enroll in  all as a pass/fail student, and before you commit to a grading system, you may want to discuss the choice with your academic advisor or a trusted mentor.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Describe major aspects of British colonialism in India and its Essay

Describe major aspects of British colonialism in India and its influence on the Indian population - Essay Example New inventions of the 18th century gave rise to a new production process in the Great Britain – called factory production. It was the beginning of Industrial Revolution in Europe. Industrial revolution (â€Å"The origins of Industrial Revolution in England†) created a need for new markets for sales of the finished product and search for raw material. British quest for a new market was the primary reason for colonizing India. In 1600, a trading company, by the name East India Company (â€Å"South Asian History – Colonial India†) was formed in London with the blessing of Queen Elizabeth I. East India Company’s main activity was trading with India. East India Company made twelve voyages (â€Å"South Asian History – Colonial India†) to India in the year of 1601 – 1613. By that time, other traders from Europe, Dutch, French, Portuguese, were also present in India. Until 1614, the Company was struggling to get the right to trade in In dia along with other European countries. In 1614 (â€Å"Indian History†) British envoy secured approval for trading from the Moghul Emperor Jahangir. Unlike traders from other countries, East India Company was able to penetrate (â€Å"Indian History†) deep inside the India. East India Company set up factories (â€Å"Indian History†) in different cities of India including in Bengal. English settlement rose in Bengal. Later East India Company made Calcutta in Bengal its trading center. During the year 1740 and later, hostility between England and France was on pick. British government heavily backed arming of East India Company. The Company fought several battles with France in those years to establish dominance over Hydrabad and Carnatic regions of India. By mid 18th century, the Company had his own army consisting of British and local people. East India Company fought the first battle in 1757 against the Ruler of Bengal (â€Å"Indian History†) and won the battle. This was the beginning of fall of India under

Friday, October 18, 2019

Things we can do from home to prevent global warming Research Paper

Things we can do from home to prevent global warming - Research Paper Example ost of the countries in the world are dependent on fossil fuels, the way we extract and use it is far greater than what the environment could produce and could cope up with. This imbalance is such a serious concern because it could cause a domino effect that does not only directly affect man, but everything in his ecology. I am talking about Global Warming. Global warming is the term used to refer to the rise in the earth’s atmospheric temperature. By nature, the earth is being warmed by the radiation from the sun. The earth’s atmosphere acts as a barrier so that only the right amount of heat passes through for the planet to maintain the right temperature for the survival of man and his ecosystem. The atmosphere constitutes of layers of gasses also known as the greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gasses on its right amount are the earth’s thermal blanket (Maslin 4). But too much greenhouse gasses will increase the earth’s temperature; if these happen negative repercussions will affect not just the ecosystem but every living organism on earth (Union of Concerned Scientists). The main cause of global warming is carbon dioxide production. Largely of which is attributed to power plant emitting carbon that is a byproduct of burning coal to produce energy; about 95 percent manmade carbon dioxide is from the use of fossil fuel. Compared to burning natural gas, coal emits 80 percent more carbon. Another major source of carbon dioxide emission is burning gasoline from vehicles that attributes to the twenty percent of carbon that goes up in the atmosphere (Low Impact Living; Time for Change). Another major cause of global warming is deforestation. Deforestation is denuding of the Earth’s forest in a massive scale. Twenty five percent of the carbon emission is attributed to deforestation. Since plants uses carbon for photosynthesis to produce oxygen, less fauna would mean more concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. Moreover, the process of deforestation itself

Evaluate the major security problems currently being experienced in Essay

Evaluate the major security problems currently being experienced in the Middle East - Essay Example ysing security has involved a broad range of issues with respect to the state and its function as a protection system and a collective identity structure, and has raised questions based on an epistemological nature to study other levels of analysis between the local and the global. By challenging security issues in the context of mainstream studies, critical scholars have opened up space for new understandings of conï ¬â€šict and security in Middle Eastern regions. Although the Gulf war’s conflicts along with the Madrid peace process-opened the door for the Middle East peace talks, such developments created the context for seriously pursuing Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) in the early 1990s. It was clear that regional players in the post-Cold War period would be able to acquire this challenge of taking a more active role in ensuring their security in the regional context. However there were still some common security concerns that needed to be addressed through cooperative means. The 1990 Damascus declaration was the start of new military alliances between the Arab states and West for which the talks inaugurated between the issue of Israel and Middle East (Barnett, 1996). In an effort to digest the constraints confronted in the Arab-Israeli conflict, there left no option other than for the national security policies to rely either on weapons build-ups or deterrence in their attempts to deal with conventional and non-conventional threats. Therefore scholars and practitioners in order to secure the security realm of the Middle East started exploring the notion of mutually beneficial cooperation based on the progress of the bilateral peace negotiations. Since the think tanks were already taking keen interest in assessing the possibilities for creating some kind of regional security structure that would easily manage regional security threats in a comprehensive manner, therefore all they could engage themselves into was the analysis of conditions under

(educatio)culture geography of childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

(educatio)culture geography of childhood - Essay Example onal researchers have mentioned culture and tradition play a vital role in acquisition of values, knowledge, beliefs, behaviours and expectations of a child’s life. Eminent psychological and learning theories such as social constructivism and cognitive theory underlines the significance of social or family interaction in character formation and learning. By Barbara M. Newman, Philip R. Newman remark; â€Å"Vygotsky considered the nature of reasoning and problem solving as culturally created.† (Newman & Newman 2008, p.60). This photographic essay the researcher investigates the role of culture and tradition in a person’s character formation and learning. The selected photograph is about a boy named Aissa from an Algerian Islamic family. The photographic essay reveals a story or evokes a sequence of emotions in the mind of the reader which discuss cultural beliefs and traditions of a child. The first set of the photographs reveals that the boy Aissa is very frankly mingled with his family members and one can easily find his positive attitudes towards his parents. The boy keeps a healthy relationship with his family members. The given image (figure1and 2) also expresses the boy has developed good and excellent personality because he respects all members of his family and his society. Erich Fromm, Michael Maccoby assert;† Village parents are serious about obedience, and they feel that to be playful for or to show enthusiasm about the child at this age would undermine respect.† (Fromm & Maccoby 1996, p.189). The boy in this photograph is a member of a conservative Islamic Algerian family and this picture shows the cultural and religious background of the family. The given photographs help the viewer to reach the idea that the boy has followed and sustained a structured behaviour and it also reveals the characteristics of his culture and tradition which follow the habit of respecting others. Don Tinkler argues that â€Å"Of major importance in the development of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Peer Support Program for New Nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Peer Support Program for New Nurses - Essay Example Every day that nurses see a distressed person, an injured person and even deaths occurring almost every day in their presence. Although they are trained to handle this, they nonetheless have to sometimes be overwhelmed by this (Robinson, 2003). These nurses need peer-support in the workplace. Â  Nurses also almost always have to work with precision which means that any small mistakes can lead to serious repercussions for the patients as well as the nurses. Peer support is definitely appreciated to maintain this accuracy in working. New nurses may not be able to have everything in their fingertips and sometimes can have a very difficult time getting their head around the many tasks they carry out every day. In this regard, a peer support program for new nurses would have to include the following; Â  Like any workplace, nurses and especially new ones need social support from their peers. Social and psychological support is important to the nurses because that feeling of belonging is a vital ingredient in increasing the nurse’s efficacy (Hughes, 2012). Â  Building the formal social support systems can be made from the informal to make formal systems. It is good to note that informal social support systems develop naturally everywhere in the workplace. Unfortunately, these informal social support systems are not efficient in their ways and it is necessary to make sure that they are harnessed. To formalize this system is important to make sure that the new nurses can benefit as soon as they join the working force in a care centre or hospital. Â  New nurses can be overwhelmed by their work. Needless to say, overwhelmed nurses can only give healthcare which is of lower quality to the patient. This can also lead to their mental health deteriorating and they therefore need support. This peer support can be accessed through information systems which make real-time consultations with other nurses (Michael, 2014). Â  

Willa Seidon at Tides Center Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Willa Seidon at Tides Center - Essay Example while the recession is highlighted by increased competition, low market share and financial constraints and instability. Even in these circumstances the organization needs to survive through its strategies. Often different strategies are adopted for survival which requires organizational restructuring and change management. A visionary leader, with clarity in ideas about how to proceed and effective change implementation is required at this stage. Leadership: Leadership is a subjective concept. There is no particular definition of leadership; there are as many definitions of leadership as the number of people who tried researching on the vast subject. Leadership is a social process embedded in the minds of leaders of followers. Great leaders help us see the current situation and see a brighter future through the dark times. They see new opportunities and combine every one to work for a common goal, during which they make critical decisions to set a direction to proceed. Some research ers view leadership as power relation by which they can affect and introduce change in people. Some view it as transformational process by which the followers are able to achieve more than what is expected from them. While some scholars view it as skills perspective where they argue certain skills and knowledge are required to be effective leaders. (Northouse, Peter.G. 2009 ; Gallos, Joan.V. 2008; Koestenbaum, Peter. 2002) The arguments about leaders are born or made is a never ending debate. Many researchers say it could be both. A natural ability to lead is important and found in every leader. On the other hand various workshops and courses are conducted on effective leadership programs. Therefore leaders possess natural ability and skill to lead which can be further polished and converted into more effective leadership. (Lussier, Robert. N, Achua, Christopher. F. 2009; Avolio, Bruce J. 2005) Effective leaders motivate and inspire followers; they have the skills to take out the be st from people. Leadership is exercised on group of people and teams, usually with the aim to make them achieve one common goal rather individual goals. Successful leaders need to understand tasks, people and processes in the organization. They must attend the current situation work through them to identify future possibilities, provide a vision and strategies to fulfill that vision and related missions, create a learning organization where people’s development and growth is paramount of importance and direct their minds in strategizing and initiate collaboration among different sections, departments and processes in the organization. The function of management and the function of leadership are often confused together. Management provides order and consistency to the organization and works for order and stability while leadership initiates change and improvement and seeks adaptive and constructive changes. Leadership is all about establishing direction- setting vision, missi on, strategies and goals, aligning people- bring clarity in goals, seek commitment and built team work and last but not the least motivating and inspiring- by empowering and satisfying development needs. (Northouse, Peter.G. 2009 ; Gallos, Joan.V. 2008) Like many great leaders, Willa Seldon is one of the inspiring leaders who helped Tides Centre and guided them through the difficult times. With her vision and ability to manage effective change she led Tides Centre (TC). She was appointed as a Chief Executive Director in September 2003, when Tides applied for the ‘seed grant’ of $ 1 million was offered by Kellog Foundation. During that time TC and the entire fiscal sponsorship sector was struggling for financial

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Peer Support Program for New Nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Peer Support Program for New Nurses - Essay Example Every day that nurses see a distressed person, an injured person and even deaths occurring almost every day in their presence. Although they are trained to handle this, they nonetheless have to sometimes be overwhelmed by this (Robinson, 2003). These nurses need peer-support in the workplace. Â  Nurses also almost always have to work with precision which means that any small mistakes can lead to serious repercussions for the patients as well as the nurses. Peer support is definitely appreciated to maintain this accuracy in working. New nurses may not be able to have everything in their fingertips and sometimes can have a very difficult time getting their head around the many tasks they carry out every day. In this regard, a peer support program for new nurses would have to include the following; Â  Like any workplace, nurses and especially new ones need social support from their peers. Social and psychological support is important to the nurses because that feeling of belonging is a vital ingredient in increasing the nurse’s efficacy (Hughes, 2012). Â  Building the formal social support systems can be made from the informal to make formal systems. It is good to note that informal social support systems develop naturally everywhere in the workplace. Unfortunately, these informal social support systems are not efficient in their ways and it is necessary to make sure that they are harnessed. To formalize this system is important to make sure that the new nurses can benefit as soon as they join the working force in a care centre or hospital. Â  New nurses can be overwhelmed by their work. Needless to say, overwhelmed nurses can only give healthcare which is of lower quality to the patient. This can also lead to their mental health deteriorating and they therefore need support. This peer support can be accessed through information systems which make real-time consultations with other nurses (Michael, 2014). Â  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Common Health Problems of Older Adults Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Common Health Problems of Older Adults - Essay Example To overcome these issues, achieve and maintain high wellness levels, health promotion and illness prevention measures must be practiced. This paper will discuss the health issues associated with older adults and the suggested ways of overcoming them. Although the human body’s minimum nutritional requirements are generally consistent through different ages, several exceptions exist. For example, a common problem among older adults arises from the disruption in the ability to absorb, use and store calcium, vitamins D, C and A (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2013). Therefore, their dietary intake should essentially accommodate that requirement. Because of their reduced activity and metabolic rate, body weight may increase, which necessitates the intake of less calories. All these dietary and nutritional needs must be balanced to avoid the risk of problems related to nutrition. This problem is highlighted by the fact that as one ages, the ability to consume necessary nutrients is negatively affected by the failing ability to taste and smell food, often leading to the loss of desire to eat. For example, older adults can consume excess sugar or salt with the possible risk of getting obese (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2013). This calls for their carers to introduce them to balanced diets and healthy selections of food such as substituting herbs and spices with season foods. Another significant dietary problem is caused by the loss of teeth or wrongly fitted dentures, which may be a result of yet another dietary issue arising from inadequate intake of calcium. This becomes a problem because the older adults will avoid foods they cannot chew, overlooking their nutritional values. Unless properly guided and supervised by carers, older adults will tend to consume softer foods that may contain more calories and less roughage such as mashed potatoes and ice cream. The

Monday, October 14, 2019

Is Nakumatt Operating As A Monopoly Economics Essay

Is Nakumatt Operating As A Monopoly Economics Essay Introduction Here in Kenya, all big cities and many of the smaller towns have at least one supermarket. The quality (of goods and services) is usually quite high. When we enter a supermarket, we find Kenyan and other regional brands as well as many Western and International. A  supermarket  is a  store  that sells a wide variety of goods including  food  and  alcohol, medicine,  clothes, and other household products that are consumed regularly  [1]  .  The stores are usually part of corporate  chains  that own or control other supermarkets located nearby or even transnationally thus increasing opportunities for  economies of scale  [2]  ( this is the decrease in cost of production that occur as a firm increases all its output by increasing all its inputs. Economies of scales explain the downward sloping porting of the long run average total cost curve: as output increases, and the firm increases its size by all inputs, as the average cost or cost per unit, falls). The supermarket typically comprises  meat, fresh  produce,  dairy, and baked goods departments, along with shelf space reserved for  canned  and packaged goods as well as for various non-food items such as household cleaners,  pharmacy  products and  pet  supplies. Most supermarkets also sell a variety of other household products that are consumed regularly, such as alcohol  (where permitted),  medicine, and  clothes, and some stores sell a much wider range of non-food products  [3]  . In Kenya, the supermarket industry has grown from a tiny inch at the start of the 1990s to 20% of the urban food retail sector in 2003. Furthermore, Kenyan supermarket chains are increasingly sourcing from global markets and have started to expand their store network in the wider East Africa region (Kigali, Rwanda)  [4]  . With 18 big stores, Nakumatt is the biggest supermarket chain in Kenya. Its main competitor Uchumi used to be big too, but it had to close due to financial difficulties. Meanwhile it has reopened 14 shops again in major cities. In the Kenyan supermarket industry we also find Chandarana ltd and Tuskys. Nakumatt and Uchumi are two Kenyan supermarkets which not only have branches in Kenya but also in other parts of east Africa. Hence my interest and therefore my research question is: Is Nakumatt Ltd operating as a Monopoly in my residential area? I live at 500m from the YAYA Center; at my location, I am surrounded with 6 big branches of the main supermarkets in Kenya. The 6 supermarkets that you will find in this area are: on Ngong Road: Nakumatt Prestige, Uchumi hyper Ngong road, Tuskys Adams, Uchumi Adams, and Nakumatt Junction, in the YAYA Center: Chandarana Ltd. I have always been wondering how these supermarkets do to survive together and especially Nakumatt and Uchumi, why do they have to different branches in the same area. The purpose of this extended essay is to find out by using data collection and after an interview with the branch managers of all these supermarkets answering to the question: whether or not Nakumatt is operating as a monopoly in the supermarket industry in my residential area? Researching for this essay will enable me to understand or have an idea of how these supermarkets can cohabit-ate together in the same area. Methodology of data collection To answer this essay question, which is to know if Nakumatt ltd is operating as a monopoly on the consumers who live is the same residential area as me. To be able to pursue this survey, I used the most common research method which is to hand out a number of questionnaires to people that I know and others living in a range of 1km from me. I will use primary sources. First I will be giving out 50 questionnaires to people living in my compound and in the surrounding areas. With all the answers, I will be able to find out which one of the supermarkets located near where I stay is more popular, is averagely earning more and their pick hours. It will also help me to know how often people usually frequent these supermarkets, how much do they spend and how long do they stay in there depending on the time. The fact that I am giving out the questionnaires, I not to show that I did some research but to see (hear) what the public(customers) have to say about the supermarkets because their opini on counts as equal as or even greater than the one from the owners of these supermarkets because we are all humans and it is expected for the managers to be bias about their supermarkets. The second method I will use is the face to face interview with the branch managers of these supermarkets which is also very important but more significant because it will help me to have real data statistics on the population that frequents them daily, weekly monthly and annually. And also it will help me to know their strategy and plans on the market to be able to understand the structure in which they are operating on whether it is a monopoly or an oligopoly market. This method will be the hardest because having the chance to have a meeting with these managers when you are not a businessman who can contribute in the well-being of the company can be a hustle( very complex task); these people are very busy men and have very many things to do on their agenda. I will also use a secondary source: The Internet. With the internet, I will be able to have supplementary information and have a greater number of sources. Related information Market Structures A market structure describes characteristics of a market organization that determine the behavior of firms within an industry. There are four types of market structures identified by economists: Perfect competition ( also known as pure competition) Monopoly Monopolistic competition (also known as imperfect competition) Oligopoly A market structure can be defined on the basis of four main characteristics: The number of firms in the industry. The ability of the firm to control the price at which the good is sold in the market. The types of product, in particular how similar or different are the goods or services produced by firms in the industry. how easy is it for new firms to enter the industry and begin producing, which depends on the degree to which there are barriers to entry in the industry; barriers to entry include anything that can prevent a firm from entering and beginning production  [5]   Perfect competition This is a purely theoretical type of market. It has a very high level of competition and has the following characteristics: there are an infinite number of buyers and sellers, all the firms produce the same identical product (homogeneous) without any differentiation (branding). There is perfect information and no trade secret which allows the consumers and the other producers to know what is happening in the market at any time, there is no intervention of any government in the way the market interacts. Monopoly A monopoly is a market structure in which we only have one firm in the industry and the firm is the industry. A monopoly operates with the following characteristics: the barriers to preventing new firm form entering the industry are very high; the firm is the price maker which means that output will depend on the price set by the firm; the monopolist is a short run profit maximizer. In facts, we have two types of monopolies: natural monopoly and pure monopoly. A natural monopoly exists when there is great scope for economies of scale to be exploited over a very large range of output. Indeed the scale of production that achieves productive efficiency may be a high percentage of the total market demand for the product in the industry  [6]  . A pure Monopoly exists when a single firm is the sole producer of a product for which there are no close substitutes  [7]  . An Actual Monopoly is when the firm has more than 25% of the market shares  [8]  . Monopolistic Monopolistic competition  is a form of  imperfect competition  where many competing producers sell products that are  differentiated  from one another (that is, the products are  substitutes, but, with differences such as branding, are not exactly alike). In monopolistic competition firms can behave like  monopolies in the  short-run, including using market power to generate profit. In the  long-run, other firms enter the market and the benefits of differentiation decrease with competition; the market becomes more like  perfect competition  where firms cannot gain economic profit. Monopolistic competitive markets have the following characteristics: We have a large but not infinite number of producers and a greater number of consumers. And due to their relatively small size, there is not a single firm that has total control over the market price. But the producers have only a degree of control over price. Consumers perceive that there are no differences in price between the competitors branded products. The barriers to entry and exit are very few (not to say that they practically do not exist). The costs for the firm are very low, which makes it easy for new arrivals to enter the industry or others to leave. Oligopoly An Oligopoly is a market structure where we have a few firms who dominate the market, these firms might be producing similar products, but the products can be differentiated (branded). Supply in the industry must be concentrated in the hands of relatively few firms and dominating firms are independent. Barriers to entry are present especially due to collusion and economies of scale; and prices are likely to be rigid as firms use non-price competition. Firms can make abnormal profit in the long run though they may not be very high  [9]  . When firms decide to collude, they start charging at the same price, and also having a monopoly power and acting as one monopoly. Any monopoly profit made is divided up among the firms taking part of the collusion. Background information To carry out this investigation, and base our theory on our findings, we must know about the past of these supermarkets: because it is very important to know how their started, who owns them (government, cooperation or family), their real market shares, how many branches have they managed to open so far. Nakumatt Nakumatt was established in 1987 as the brainchild of the late retail guru Mr Maganlal Shah who founded Nakuru Mattresses before passing the mantle to Mr Atul Shah, the current managing Director. The supermarket chain was founded as a ten square foot emporium which has grown to cover a selling space of more than one million square feet, with the head office and distribution center occupying some 140,000 square feet of storage and office space. The payoff line You need it, weve got it! indicates Nakumatts commitment to providing the largest variety and highest quality of local and international brands at reasonable and uniform prices. The Nakumatt Smart Card is a loyalty program started in 2003 that enables customers to accumulate smart points with their purchases. On accumulation a certain amount of points, clients can claim smart rewards and prizes. Smart Card shoppers also enjoy discounts with service providers, random surprises on birthdays, off-peak time double points and redempt ion points for purchases. The retail chain has grand plans for the future. These include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increasing the range of goods available to Kenyan consumers at affordable rates. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Improving the local economy by employing more Kenyans. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Delivering expected financial results by providing quality, variety, exceptional, service and enhanced lifestyles. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increasing investments in training and development of staff to ensure performance and job satisfaction. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Developing an integrated nationwide Network. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increasing turnover to KSh 20 billion (285.7 million US dollars). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Expanding to the sub-continent. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Listing on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. Source: http://www.superbrandseastafrica.com/assets/Featured-Brands/PDFs/129-nakumatt.pdf Tuskys Tuskys, is said to be the second largest retailer in the country with more than eighteen stores all over the country, operates supermarkets and has been able to seal any gaps left by Nakumatt. The retailer recently rebranded from Tusker Mattresses to Tuskys, a sign of the companys transformation from a family business to a corporate entity. Due to popular demand and the lack of land available in the capital for large sized stores, Tuskys has been forced to relocate some of its stores in Nairobi and the retailer is currently expanding its network into suburban districts such as Thika, Athiriver and Rongai. Tuskys latest store has also opened further afield in the lakeside city of Kisumu in the west of  Kenya, close to the Ugandan border.  [10]   Tuskys is the first supermarket in the whole of Kenya to introduce the use of the fidelity smart card. This is a loyalty card which gives a 1Ksh voucher to the card holder for every 100Ksh purchase this voucher can be used to buy any items at any times just buy presenting your identification. Uchumi Uchumi  is a  Kenyan  supermarket chain  which was founded in 1975 and which was listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange in 1992.The name  Uchumi  means economy in  Swahili, the Kenyan National language. Uchumi operates 4 hyper-stores, 8 supermarkets and 2 convenience stores, and employs more than 1,000 people. Uchumi has stores in the major towns of  Nairobi, Karatina,  Eldoret  and  Meru  [11]  . Whilst Nakumatt and Tuskys are playing a leading role in  Kenyas burgeoning retail market, Uchumi Supermarkets, currently positioned in fourth place in  Kenya, has had a history of financial problems. The companys problems have derived from general mismanagement and corruption issues, and Uchumi was expected to either die a natural death or be sold to another retailer when its former managing director, John Smith, announced its closure in June 2006  [12]  . Uchumi closed down, albeit temporarily, in June 2006 after 30 years of business.  At the time, its cl osure was described as one of the greatest corporate disasters in independent Kenya history  [13]  .  However, the government is one of the founders of Uchumi Ltd so letting Uchumi close down was not in their interest. So they had to sell 50% of the companys shares to the public in order to rescue the brand. Then Uchumi started reopening all over Nairobi from July 15, 2006. Uchumi receives more than 3000 customers daily. The government controls the quality and the pricing of the goods. All the goods in Uchumi are certified and approved by the Kenya Bureau of Standard (KBS). Uchumi used to have an annual magazine showing all the items they have in stock; but this stopped when it closed down. They use multiple ways of advertising like the radio, the television and the newspapers. They also have a smart-card. Only during Christmas, the stores are opened 24/7, this is because, they think that it is not effective in Kenya. They offer a home delivery service orderable from their web site and the charge depends on the distance of your location. Uchumi believes that what makes them attracts their customers is their customer service and also believe that their competitors havent reached that level. Uchumi own all their buildings. They have the option of paying electricity bills with a Kenya power counter; this attracts also the customers to enter the supermarket as they can avoid any congestion instead of going to the Kenya Power office. Chandarana Chandarana Supermarket Ltd is a retail chain in Kenya dealing with consumer products. It is currently headquartered at Mobil Plaza, Muthaiga in Nairobi. It has four Branches within Nairobi Yaya center, ABC Place, Muthaiga and Highridge. In this research, only the one located in the Yaya Center will be studied. I chose to include Chandarana in my study because when we first came to Kenya (my family and me), we bought from there everything belonging to the house there and even food supplies. Presentation of data collected To carry out the survey I gave out 38 questionnaires to first peoples living in the same compound as me then some people that I know in the surrounding houses and apartments. I know that I didnt meet my objective which was to give out 50 questionnaires as I mentioned in the METHODOLOGY OF DATA COLLECTION, but this was due to multiple reasons. I could only do the survey with people who knew me because other maybe didnt trust me (even though I showed them my school identification card and my recommendation letter) or felt like I was asking them questions about them private life. I gave to all of them a period of 3 weeks to review their habits and be able to answer without having to make hard choices. The reason why I gave them 3 weeks is because people tend not to say the truth when they are given 5 minutes to answer. With all this period of time, they can analyze every question and answer it with a calm and clear state of mind. As I said it earlier, I live near the YAYA Center in Kili mani. The YAYA CENTRE is a modern multifunctional shopping mall, it was founded in the late eighties in Nairobi and is today one of the leading shopping malls housing over 100 shops and offices  [14]  .The diagrams below shows the results of my investigation. Nakumatt Uchumi Tuskys Chandarana 27 2 6 3 71% 5% 16% 8% This table shows the repartition in numbers and in percentages of the consumers depending on the supermarkets they frequent the most. This pie chart has the same function as the table above it. This chart is easier to understand and shows the differences between the supermarkets in terms of popularity. But I believe it is a good representation of the whole population in my residential area. By the end of this research, I found out that 71% of the surveyed population was Nakumatt truthful customers, 5% of them were Uchumi customers, 16% of them were Tuskys customers, and 8% of them were Chandarana customers as shown on the table and the pie chart above. As we all know, in a monopoly market, we only have one firm, and that firm is the industry. If we refer to the pie chart and stick to the traditional definition of a monopoly, we cannot assume at 100% that Nakumatt is operating as a monopoly in my residential area, because we also have other different supermarkets operating in the same area. If we were to base our facts on the data from the investigation, we could say that the representation of the supermarkets in my residential area demonstrates that Nakumatt Ltd is the most dominant supermarket in Kilimani. And view to its relative size and number of customers, we could also say that it does have monopoly power in my residential area; because if we may say, it controls 71% of the population. Age Nakumatt Uchumi Tuskys Chandarana Total under 18 3 1 4 19-25 4 2 6 26-30 5 5 31-35 6 1 1 1 9 36-45 8 1 2 11 over 45 1 1 2 total 27 2 6 3 38 From this table, we can see that the age differentiation doesnt matter because these supermarkets are stocked in order to satisfy the whole of the population that can afford their items. This means that the age of the individuals will not be an obstacle for them meeting their wants as the supermarkets are prepared to satisfy anyone. I do not think that we should place a theory on a supermarket for being destined more for a specific age class. Conclusion Generally supermarkets in Kenya and all over the world belong to the Oligopoly market. This is because the supermarket industry I being run by a little amount of important brands. It might be confusing for saying that Nakumatt is a monopoly and later saying that it is not. This is because by studying how Nakumatt operates in the industry and how they interact with their customers and also their total market shares, we could post them in a position of a Monopoly. Although, even though they might have the characteristics of a monopoly, the presence of other firms (Uchumi, Tuskys and Chandarana) discredits the possibility of them being one. After doing all the necessary research, I came up with a conclusion which states that Nakumatt doesnt operate as a monopoly in my residential area, but in that oligopoly market, it has a monopoly power on customers, which makes them practically all choose Nakumatt.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cheating in School Versus Cheating in the Real World :: Business

Cheating in School Versus Cheating in the Real World Cheating has been a major concern for institutions of higher learning. Institutions fear cheating because of the reputation dishonest people will establish for that institution. After a student has learned several successful ways to cheat and not be caught, is he or she more likely to employ the same tactics in his or her workplace? The student will use those tactics, but in the real world, such acts are not called â€Å"cheating tactics,† but â€Å"business strategy.† Several years ago, Clemson University was approached by a perspective employer. A business man visited the school and announced that the company wanted to hire some new staff members. In order to be more selective of the persons to get called in for interviews, the man announced an online exam that the students must take. Depending on the results, the company would then get in touch with the individuals. One student that is very interested considers his options. He could choose to take the exam using his real name and receive a performance grade based on his knowledge of the tough material the exam would ask. Or, his second option: use a false identity, get the questions, go out to reliable sources and ask for answers, and then post answers to the exam under his real name. The student opted for the second option. He got the test questions, went to professors, searched online, and found as many of the answers as he could. He posted his answers. Within a week, the company representative called the student in for an interview. The first statement out of the interviewer’s mouth: â€Å"No one has ever scored that high on our online test.† The next: â€Å"How did you do it?† The student’s response began with â€Å"honestly† and he unveiled his unique plan to succeed on the test. The interviewer was shocked – no one had ever admitted to cheating on the online test before. A job was offered.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Breedloves in Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye Essay -- American Lit

In the third chapter of The Bluest Eye, entitled "Autumn", Toni Morrison focuses on Pecola's family, the Breedloves. Morrison goes in depth about the family dynamic of the Breedloves and how it affects Pecola and her self-image. The passage starts after one of many arguments between Cholly and Mrs. Breedlove, Pecola's parents, turns violent. Mrs. Breedlove wants Cholly to fetch some coal from the outside shed. Cholly spent the last night drinking and does not want to get out of bed. The passage begins with the children becoming aware of the argument. Mrs. Breedlove starts to hit him with cooking pans while Cholly mostly used his feet and teeth. After the fight is over Mrs. Breedlove just lets Cholly lie on the ground and she goes about her business like nothing happened. Pecola starts off this passage with a sick feeling as she relaxes and stops feigning sleep during her parents' argument. It seems that these arguments happen a lot, for while "she had tried to prevent [the sick feeling] by holding in her stomach, [the sick feeling] came quickly in spite of her precaution" (Morris...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Discovery of a Father

In â€Å"Discovery of a Father† by Sherwood Anderson and â€Å"Those Winter Sundays† by Robert Hayes, Sherwood and the speaker both do not approve of their fathers’ actions but begin to appreciate them later on. In the beginning as young boys, both of the sons are lacking the appreciation for their fathers. In â€Å"Discovery of a Father†, Sherwood does not like the fact that his father is a storyteller and how his father would lie about his nationality and take someone else’s as his own. For example, Sherwood recalls, â€Å"If an Irishman came to our house, right away father would say he was Irish. If it was a Scotchman the same thing happened† (5). Sherwood’s father is also a joker and someone who is absent for long periods of time in their family’s life which Sherwood also dislikes. Sherwood also can not understand how his mother could tolerate it. Similar to Sherwood, the speaker reveals his father’s unlikeable traits. The speaker does not like the fact that his father has an unlikeable temper. He expresses how his father’s temper is caused by his long hours at work and the lack of thankfulness. The speaker spends his boyhood â€Å"fearing the chronic angers of the house† (Hayes 9). So soon each son comes to know that his father actually does love him. Although this dislike for both Sherwood’s and the speaker’s father’s actions occur, they also both experience a paradigm shift when they realize that they have some type of reason to New 2 love their fathers; because their fathers love them. Sherwood’s father demonstrates such love when he takes him swimming in the pond which gives them a chance to connect with one another. Sherwood recalls that â€Å"it was a feeling of closeness†¦It was as though there were only we two in the world† (Anderson 8). Ironically, Sherwood’s father is usually very playful and energized but during that night he becomes completely serious and silent. Then Sherwood relates to his father when he notices that not only his father is a storyteller but he himself is as well. On the other hand, the speaker discovers his father’s love when he is older when he remembers when his father displayed a few acts of kindness to him when the speaker says, â€Å"had driven out the cold/and polished my good shoes well† (Hayden11-12). Therefore the sons in both â€Å"Discovery of a Father’ and â€Å"Those Winter Sundays† each have their eyes open to a love that they thought was not there but always was.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How Greek Mythology Influenced Christianity Essay

After reading Malthus’ view, Darwin then noticed that if more organisms are produced than the ones that can survive, then they probably compete for resources. Darwin named this the struggle for existence. Darwin also knew that organisms had natural differences within their traits. He assumed that some of those are better suited to the environment. Adaptations: any inheritable characteristic that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in its environment. Ex: camouflage, tiger’s claws According to Darwin, different adaptations affect an organism’s fitness. Fitness: how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment. Organisms with adaptations that are well suited to their environment have high fitness. Darwin’s greatest contribution was to describe an important process in nature, a scientific method, which could work like artificial selection. Artificial Selection: when nature provides the variations, and humans select those they find useful. Then Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species, which included ideas from Malthus, Lamarck, and some of his own ideas. Malthus came up with the idea that if the human population grew unchecked, there wouldn’t be enough living space and food for everyone. Lamarck suggested that organisms are capable of change by choosing whether or not to use specific parts of their bodies. He also came up with that organisms could pass down certain traits to their offspring, allowing species to change over time. Darwin Presents His Ideas Integer egestas orci quis lorem feugiat adipiscing. Lorem Ipsum Dolor 3. Survival of the Fittest: Some adaptations that organisms have are more suited to their environment than others and those are the ones that survive while the other organisms with other adaptations don’t make it. 4. Natural Selection: Organisms with better suited adaptations become more common because: More organisms are born than can survive Organisms have adaptations that help them survive Some organisms have a higher fitness 1. The Struggle of Existence: Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. Only small amount of these offspring can live and reproduce. 2. Variation and Adaptation: There is variation in nature and that is what increases an organism’s possibility in surviving. Some organisms have adaptations that help them. Natural Selection in Four Steps Natural Selection Darwin named his mechanism for evolution natural selection. Natural Selection: the process by which organisms with variations most suited to their local environment survive and leave more offspring. Natural selection happens when more organisms are born than can survive, there is natural variation; and there is variable fitness among individuals.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Psychology and common sense Essay

Psychology is a scientific and research based study of human mind-set and behaviours. The field of study focuses on emotions, characteristics and behaviours of individuals in their daily lives and their behaviours when interacting with other people. Wilhelm Wundt is the father of psychology, whom set up his first laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879. His main contribution to the field of psychology was his idea of structuralism; the use of introspection to study individual’s experiences comprising of sensations, images and feelings. Throughout his course of research, he insisted on using systematic observation and measurement, which serve as a strong foundation for psychology studies in the future. Whereas, common sense basically refers to the common knowledge shared by the majority human population. Such knowledge usually arise from daily observation and interaction one another, past experiences, beliefs that are being passed down for generations and scenarios commonly port rayed in television shows. Much of psychology is not based on common sense, but on research, testing, and applications of theory. As such, psychologists are heavily trained in research methods and statistics. Psychology is a real science as It uses scientific methods such as the experimental research and analysis to support a hypothesis and that psychology is not just things we see everyday. Psychology has a wide variety of aspects; from the social side of understanding why people behave in a specific way, to the neuroscience side of understanding what goes wrong in the brain of people with mental health disorders. As psychologists attempt to explain the mind and brain in the context of real life, it is definitely not common sense. One common sense belief states that if someone recalls something vividly and confidently, that memory is true and accurate. In another words, an individual will not false memories. Even if there is, the individual will have the ability to differentiate real from false memories. However, psychological research have proven this common sense belief to be wrong. False memories, also known as pseudomemories, can usually be formed when individual try to fill up the gaps in their memory by logic guesses combining with their actual memory (Koutstaal, Norman & Schacter, 1998, p. 289-318). This action is otherwise called constructive processing. A study by Braun, Ellis and Loftus (2002) shows that sixteen percent of the people who were shown with a fake advertisement of Bugs Bunny in Disney resort actually insisted that they met  Bugs in Disney. However, it was not possible since Bugs is a character from Warner Brothers and not Disney (p. 1-23). This study reflected that some subjects experience constructive processing after seeing the fake advertisement. Hence, the false memory formed seems rather logical to them. In another research carried out by Loftus (1997), together with her research associate, Jacqueline Pickrell, they told a group of subjects, ranging from 18 to 53 years old, a series of their childhood incidents recounted by their fami ly members or close relatives. Out of all the incidents told, they included one whereby the subjects had been lost in a shopping mall when they were still children. In the next two interview sessions, the subjects were asked to recall the incident of being lost in the mall. Surprising, about a quarter of them said they could remember it and even supplied extra details about what happened even though the incident was actually made up. This shows a way of inducing a completely false memory into someone simply by providing external evidence that prompt the happening of such incident (p.71). Similar situation of implanting false memories into someone would be under therapy or hypnosis. The ‘misinformation effect’ is also theory accounted for the formation of pseudomemories. This refers to the distortion of memory as a result of the presence of misleading and suggestive information as well as source confusion (Porter et. Al., 2010, p. 55-61). The above mentioned studies and psychological theories such as constructive processing, hypnosis, misinformation effect, memory construction and schemas, have proven the common sense belief to be wrong. It is possible for an individual to take pseudomemories as their true and accurate memories. In conclusion, common sense beliefs are knowledge that everybody are exposed to whereas psychology comprises of careful and scientific researches and analysis. Though common sense beliefs may be widely used and agreed to, that do not necessary mean that they are correct. In fact, they are generally false explanations of thought process and behaviour. Psychologists are hence able to come up with psychological explanation to prove the direct opposite of the common sense. Nonetheless, psychological explanation can also be used to prove certain common sense beliefs which are true. As such, people can view psychology as a tool employed to prove the credibility of common sense. Therefore, psychology is not just common sense.

Encounter point Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Encounter point - Essay Example The ownership claims over Jerusalem by Muslims and Jews seems to be the major issue involved in Israel-Palestine dispute. â€Å"Encounter point† is a 2006 award-winning film directed by Ronit Avni and Julia Bacha. It is about people, who have dedicated their lives to trying to resolve the Israeli Palestinian conflict through non-violence means. Non-violence was the ideology through which Mahatma Gandhi succeeded in removing British colonialism from Indian soil. The film â€Å"Encounter point† discusses the possibility of implementing that ideology in settling the issues between Israel and Palestine. This paper analyses various dimensions of the Israel-Palestine conflict as portrayed in the film encounter. In my opinion, the film is not portraying the conflict as between two equal or symmetrical parties. In fact the film describes Israel as the dominant party and the Palestinians as the receiving party. There are many scenes in the film in which wounded Palestinians express their bitterness against the Israelis. At the same time there are no scenes which describe any wounded Israeli blaming the Palestinians at the rehabilitation center. The above fact clearly suggests that the intention of the director of this film was never to portray the clashes between Israel and Palestine as a clash between two equal forces. The film is definitely unbalanced even though some perceive it as favoring the Palestinian side while others as favoring the Israeli side. â€Å"In one scene a Palestinian makes the claim the IDF put poison on their bullets. There is no Israeli to rebut that unlikely claim, nor to mention the fact that suicide bombers add metal bolts and screws to their explosives to maximize civilian casualties† (Gates). In other words, the film says many things about the massacres of Israeli soldiers. At the same time, it says nothing about the suicide bombers from the Palestinian side. The director seems to be taking the side of the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Poems of Miguel de Unamuno and Miguel Hernandez Essay

Poems of Miguel de Unamuno and Miguel Hernandez - Essay Example This poem was published in Viento del Pueblo in 1937, in the context of the Spanish civil war that started in 1936. The language used alludes to the themes of love, war, victory, life and death, and fatherhood. The title of the poem "Cancin del esposo soldado" (song of the soldier husband), tells us about the main character of the poem and the lyrical form. It is a poem versed in eleven four-versed stanzas. In each stanza, the first three verses are 14 syllabic and the last verse is 7 syllabic. In Spanish metric, this combination is called a "Serventesio". The metric changes in the last two stanzas though, where all four verses complete the 14 syllabus. It has consonant rhyme (e.g. sementera/espera, respondo/fondo), and its metric scheme is: ABAB. The first stanza refers to the conception of the son, but the poet describes the sexual union not as the culmination of pleasure, but as an inevitable and natural act of reproduction. "I have prolonged the echo of blood which I stand for" (he prolongado el eco de sangre a que respondo), then he goes on to describe his wife who has conceived in the next stanza, he alludes to her as a tall dark-skinned woman; giving the image of her as a "pregnant deer". The presence of nature is again used by the poet. In the third stanza, he compares her to a crystal that could break any minute "you seem a delicate crystal to me already", to refer to her fragility and the need to protect her. His love for her is expressed with metaphors used to refer to her such as: "greatest gulp of my life" (gran trago de mi vida), "mirror of my flesh" (espejo de mi carne), "sustenance of my wings" (sustento de mis alas). In these first three stanzas, we have seen that the main theme is his wife and the conception of his son. And now, from the fourth to the seventh stanzas he refers to his situation as a soldier, and the battles he has to endure, while the thought of his wife and son accompany him all along. There are brutal images contrasted with his declaration of love such as: "over the fearful coffins that threaten/ over the same dead men without remedy or pit". But the love he has for her is stronger than any battle, any bullets that threaten his life, and he will love her beyond death, as he claims: "even in the dust, my wife" (hasta en el polvo, esposa). In the sixth stanza he also refers to their economic situation, when he says: " you are drawn to me like a huge mouth full of a hungry set of teeth", and also in the following stanza: "and I defend your poor woman's womb who awaits me" ("y defiendo tu vientre de pobre que me espera"). There is a sense of pride in being a soldier who stands up for his people. He adopts a challenging attitude when he says: "enroll me in the fight, feel me in the trench", because he is confident that their child will be born into a victorious, joyful world, and he will leave behind his soldier's life, with no weapons (fangs or claws). In the ninth stanza, he talks about the difficulty of being a soldier, and about his longing of coming home. "We have to kill in order to keep living". This is very interesting in the poetry of Hernndez, and it characterizes much of his style. The antithesis is an effective literary resource to provoke a strong reaction in the readers. At the tenth, he refers to his wife

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Cancer Research and Funding Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cancer and Funding - Research Paper Example cancer’s condition, with which it kills its victims, many organizations have ventured into research to address various aspects pertaining to how it can be controlled. For the past one hundred years, the American Cancer Society has been at the forefront in addressing different issues pertaining to cancer, most especially, on how it can be transformed from being deadly to preventable. Based on this perspective, this paper analyzes the different aspects of cancer with regard to its research and funding. Cancer has very diverse, complex, and least understood causes, and in the current situations in which lifestyles have changed significantly, more causes have actually been attributed to the changed lifestyles among many (Patlak and Sharyl 147). There are a number of elements considered to cause cancer including dietary factors, tobacco, environmental factors, exposure to certain elements such as radiation, and obesity among others. All these cause severe damage to cells in certain instances or even result into mutation of cells to cause cancer in other instances. Because a majority of cancer causes are elements that people interact with on choice, has is indeed preventable. This has been one of the reasons for which research has been established to address the different aspects on the causes and prevention of cancer. Some of the preventive measures against cancer include increased intake of fruits and vegetables in addition to whole grains, less consumption of refined foods, constan t exercising, and little radiation exposure (Langwith 108). Initially, cancer was considered as a condition for the rich but the current trend in which it knows no boundaries has raised concerns and increased the calls for research. The major areas that the research seeks to address include preventive measures and treatment procedures for those already affected. Considering the complexity of cancer in how it occurs, calls for detailed research in order to reach an all-inclusive